Orders are processed and shipped from the warehouse within the next 24 hours for orders placed before 12 AM in the morning (GMT + 1), from Monday to Friday. Once the order has been placed, it is no longer possible to modify or cancel it. It will be necessary to wait for delivery to proceed to exercise the withdrawal.
The customer will always receive a Shipping Confirmation email that will allow him to check his order and the status of the shipment.
The delivery of the products takes place on average within 3 working days from the shipment of the order in Italy *
Carriers do not deliver on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays; delivery times may be delayed in case of holidays.
* = 5 days for the islands, Calabria and disadvantaged areas
Once the order has been shipped, an email will be sent with the tracking data of the package. After 24 hours of sending the order, it will be possible to track the shipment status by clicking on the tracking link in the email or by entering the shipment number.